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G. H. HardyA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
The ideas expressed via the arts are malleable, sometimes good or bad but not essential to a given art. Poetry, for example, is more about how something is said than what it means. Mathematics, conversely, deals solely in ideas.
Educated people understand that mathematics has beauty and that, like all beauty, it’s hard to define. Some dismiss this aesthetic value as unimportant, yet millions of chess players understand at once the beauty of an elegant move, and chess is essentially mathematical. Chess and other puzzle-like games owe their wide appeal to the underlying math that gives solving them an “intellectual ‘kick.’”
Most math has no practical consequences, and that which does usually has little aesthetic value. The value of a math theorem lies in its seriousness, which, in turn, depends on its “significance”—its ability to say something important within a large region of mathematical concepts and perhaps to improve that area and the sciences connected to it.
William Shakespeare is great not because of his impact on the English language but because of the beauty of his writing. That beauty includes the ways that his verse presents ideas, but this is only a part of its success and not the main cause of it.
It’s hard to find an example of a math theorem that’s elegant, used by modern mathematicians, and not too obscure to understand. A perfect exception, drawn from ancient Greece, is Euclid’s proof of the infinity of prime numbers, an achievement “as fresh and significant as when it was discovered” (92). Prime numbers are whole numbers that can’t be divided by smaller numbers except for 1. If P is “the largest” prime number, and Q equals the product of multiplying several numbers by P and then adding 1, Q is no longer divisible by any of its factors, including P (to arrive at a whole number). Thus, Q is a larger prime than P. This means that the list of prime numbers is endless. This proof is a form of reductio ad absurdum, or showing that the opposite of the thing to be proved makes no sense.
Another elegant reductio from the ancients is based on Pythagoras’s demonstrations relating to the square root of the number 2. One of these uses the Pythagorean Theorem to show that the diagonal of a square cannot be a rational number (a number cleanly divisible by another). If the side of a square = 1, then the diagonal, d, fits into the Pythagorean equation as “d^2 = 1^2+1^2 = 2” (96) and therefore d = √2, which is irrational. Any value of d must include, as a factor, the square root of 2; thus, all diagonals of squares are irrational.
Other theorems are intuitively obvious. For example, the fundamental theorem of arithmetic states that every integer larger than 1 can be expressed as the product of certain prime numbers. For example, “666 = 2 x 3 x 3 x 37, and there is no other decomposition” (96). The proof, though, requires some tedium.
Chess problems and other types of puzzles prove out in similar ways. However, they lack the seriousness of mathematical proofs.
A chess problem has no application outside the game, but the proofs of Euclid, Pythagoras, and others have a huge effect, not only in mathematics but in other realms of thought. In math, Euclid showed the fundamentals of arithmetic, but Pythagoras demonstrated that some arithmetical processes lead to answers that can’t fully be resolved, as with irrational numbers.
In practice, irrational numbers are rounded off, so Pythagoras’s discovery may have no real-life application.
The significance of a serious math theorem depends on its “generality” and “depth.” It is general if it is widely used in the proofs of other theorems. An example is the Pythagorean theorem. If a theorem has limited usefulness—like, for instance, the theorem that only four numbers other than 1 are “the sums of the cubes of their digits, viz. 153 = 1^3 + 5^3 + 3^3” (105)—then it lacks generality and therefore is insignificant, except perhaps to puzzle enthusiasts.
In the sense that math’s terms are entirely abstract, math is general. Adding things up, for example, works regardless of the things involved. This abstract quality differentiates math theorems from scientific theories of nature—for example, predicting eclipses—because their correctness depends on experimentation and cannot be derived from mathematical proofs.
Aside from the abstractness common to all math, its theorems acquire generality when they speak to many but not all other math theorems. As mathematician Alfred North Whitehead put it, “[I]t is the large generalization, limited by a happy particularity, which is the fruitful conception” (109).
To have significance, a serious theorem must be more than general; it also must have depth. A simple theorem may be important yet not deep. For example, proving the infinity of prime numbers is straightforward, but, to know how many primes exist within a given set of integers, a mathematician must go deeper and confront more difficult ideas. The precise meaning of a problem’s depth, though, “is an elusive one even for a mathematician who can recognize it” (111-12).
A good theorem should display unexpectedness, inevitability, and economy (113). As in chess, where a good new approach ought to generate many variations, in mathematics a good theorem should open the gates to more ideas. The many examples that flow from a new theorem, however, shouldn’t be used as evidence for its proof; this is a dull way to do math.
Great chess players have a reserve of logical ability, but the joy of the game isn’t in mundane calculations: Instead, it’s in the battle between highly trained minds.
In these chapters, Hardy explores the beauty of mathematical proof and what makes a good math theorem. These discussions speak to two of the book’s themes: The Purity of Mathematics and The Qualities of a Serious Theorem. The author cites Euclid’s demonstration of the infinity of prime numbers as an example of the elegant beauty of a well-demonstrated proof. Hardy helped bring more rigor to the English practice of mathematics, including the use of proofs to regulate and legitimize math theorems. In addition, Euclid’s proof demonstrates Hardy’s contention that the true wonder of math is its elegant logic. Chapters 12 and 13 are efforts to inspire that wonder in others. In explaining the proofs, Hardy displays his basic enthusiasm for math. With a certain delight, he shares a few relatively simple proofs that he believes are both understandable and elegant. He mentions a proof that he omits on the grounds that it “might be found tedious by an unmathematical reader” (97). He therefore assumes that his audience includes not merely mathematical colleagues but also anyone smart enough to be curious about what makes mathematicians tick.
Hardy notes that the proof by Euclid, as well as one of the proofs he mentions by Pythagoras, employ a logical technique called reductio ad absurdum, or a reduction to absurdity. Also called “proof by contradiction,” a reductio argument starts by assuming that the thing to be proven is false and then shows that this leads to an illogical conclusion. It’s a bit like taking the famous syllogism, “All men are mortal; Socrates is a man; therefore, Socrates is mortal” and assuming instead that all men are immortal; to then claim that Socrates died by poison and therefore isn’t a man would be absurd, so the premise about human immortality is false.
To Hardy, a worthy theorem must be serious—or, more exactly, “significant”—and this means that it must have generality and depth. Generality is its applicability to a large swath of other math theorems; depth is its ability to present mathematicians with a new perspective on older theorems. Both qualities give practitioners the potential to make further advances in mathematics. In noting that “‘trivial’ theorems […] are just as ‘abstract’ or ‘general’ as those of Euclid and Pythagoras, and so is a chess problem” (107), Hardy’s point is that all proofs are equally valid: The thing to be proved is either true or false. Math logic lacks an in-between quality the way that scientific discoveries leave room for levels of doubt. Science is based on experimentation and evidence, and every “fact” we hold true about nature can be overturned if new information disproves existing understanding. People once thought the sun revolved around the Earth, but further investigation showed that it’s the other way around. Likewise, evidence showed that life doesn’t spontaneously generate out of inert matter and that birds are the last of the dinosaurs.
Hardy admires chess for its essentially mathematical logic but regards the advances in its techniques as trivial in comparison to the discoveries of math. He means that chess solutions are valid only in the game itself, whereas math theorems can improve human thinking in many areas, including science. This stance can cause some confusion: Hardy advocates the value of math as an aesthetic pursuit, yet finds that the joy of pure math also derives from its ability to inspire thinking in other areas, especially science. Some scientific discoveries can, like pure mathematics, prove inconsequential—cosmology, for example, is fascinating but as yet offers humanity little in the way of direct, practical improvements—but science also undergirds the technological discoveries that have helped feed, house, transport, repair, and entertain humanity.
Likewise, chess appears inconsequential, yet its discoveries involve strategy and tactics that easily transfer to war, sports, and business. Chess thus does have some practical application. Hardy discounts war as an evil pursuit and therefore may regard much of chess’s real-world usefulness as unworthy. His general point, however, that the techniques of chess have much less application beyond the game board than do the ways of math outside the classroom, remains valid.
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