52 pages 1 hour read

Jasmine Mas

Blood of Hercules (Villains of Lore, #1)

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2024

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Chapters 24-36Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 24 Summary: “Suffering—Alexis: The Beginning of December”

Weeks after Leo’s death, Augustus explains the process of leaping and has the initiates envision the place or person they consider to be their domus. He asks Alexis whom she envisions, and she lets Charlie’s name slip. This infuriates Augustus. Later, he guides them to the menagerie but holds Alexis back to question her about Charlie. She tries to deflect, but he tells her that no other man is allowed to have her and tries to use his powers to force the information out of her. When she slumps from exhaustion, he leaves to retrieve something to help her. However, Alexis walks away and finds Fluffy Jr. again. She and the other initiates return to the classroom for advanced math and then go to the library. There, Alexis finds another threatening letter. This one insinuates that the Titan was set free in an attempt to kill her. She hides the note and distracts herself by tutoring Drex and Maximum. When they are called back, Alessander is still asleep in the library, so they are forced to run the circuit and swim through a channel carved through the ice in the river. They all survive and stagger to the library, where Alexis loses consciousness.