66 pages • 2 hours read
Stephanie GarberA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Scarlett enters Caraval with Julian and wonders if they made a mistake by lying to Jovan, the girl on the unicycle. She thinks that maybe she should’ve told the truth, but Julian reminds her that no one is what they seem at Caraval. Scarlett shouldn’t assume that because Jovan looked friendly that she would’ve let him in without the lie. He warns Scarlett that no one is what they seem and that the only thing that matters when they step through the doors is the game. He knows because he has played before.
Scarlett wonders if he’s after this year’s prize, a wish, but Julian refuses to tell her the real reason he’s returned to play. Scarlett feels like Julian used her for her extra ticket, and they briefly fight about their fake engagement until Scarlett finally relents, though Julian is “the last person [she] wanted to partner with” (86). They enter the large wooden house filled with violin music where the game takes place. Julian smiles at Scarlett seductively, but she assures him that it doesn’t work on her, though he says that’s why he enjoys doing it.
Scarlett reflects on memories of her grandmother and the beautiful dress Nana had shown her from her time at Caraval as she steps inside the house and witnesses its splendor. It’s warm and not like the inside of a house she expected. Rather, they find themselves on a balcony overlooking many balconies, a world “like an entire miniature kingdom” below (89). Julian pulls back the curtain at the edge of the balcony, and Scarlett warns him not to touch it, though she’s just as curious as he is to see what lies beyond, a place that looked like something out of a fairy tale:
[B]right pointy rooftops, moss-covered towers, gingerbread cottages, gleaming gold bridges, blue-brick streets, and bubbling fountains, all lit by candled lamps that hung everywhere, giving an appearance of time that was neither day nor night (90).
A man named Rupert ushers them away from the curtains and reads the rules. Accidents can happen in Caraval but usually only when someone confuses fantasy with reality. Scarlett remembers when Caraval had ceased traveling a few years back due to the death of a woman. It bothers Scarlett to think that her death wasn’t just some accident but a result of the game, but she resolves to enjoy her one day in Caraval. After all, she has been playing dangerous games with her father for years. When Rupert once again offers them the choice to watch or play the game, Scarlett decides to play. They are asked to sign the rules with a drop of blood.
Rupert gives Scarlett and Julian their first clue on a card that reads: “La Serpiente de Cristal,” or the glass serpent, which is the place they’ll be staying. When the curtains are drawn back and they enter the game, Scarlett is distracted looking for Tella, but Julian reminds her of the urgency of the game and how time moves differently here. They have to make it to the hotel before the lanterns go out, as the game can only be played at night.
Scarlett and Julian see a boat riding down the canal, and Julian flirts his way into getting them on board. The lanterns extinguish in a line toward the hotel as dawn approaches. Scarlett and Julian hop out of the boat and run, barely making it in front of the hotel as the last candle is going out. Julian gives Scarlett a push to get her inside the hotel before it’s too late, and as a result, Julian doesn’t make it inside in time.
Scarlett feels terrible that Julian is stuck outside, so she lies to the innkeeper about Julian being her fiancé and insists that they are special guests of Master Legend. The innkeeper opens the door for Julian. He’s grateful that Scarlett helped him and taunts her, calling her “my little liar” (103). The innkeeper gives them their keys and winks at them, a gesture that reminds Scarlett of her father and makes her uncomfortable. The innkeeper points out the Glass Tavern, a large barroom filled with people to their right. Scarlett scans the crowd, but there’s no sign of Tella there. She asks the innkeeper if Tella is staying there, but the innkeeper states she can’t share that kind of information about other guests.
As Scarlett and Julian head up the stairs to their rooms, Julian warns Scarlett to be careful about how much information she tells others because what she wants and her secrets can be used against her. They pass a series of colorful doors until they reach their door. Scarlett tries to discuss their plans for the next day, but he dismisses her. A little dejected, Scarlett remembers that Julian has told her numerous times that he’s not a good guy and uses people. She knows it’s safer to distance herself from him, so she abruptly says good night and enters her room, which is spacious with a lit fireplace and large canopy bed.
Scarlett and Julian go into their separate rooms, but only a moment later, Julian emerges from a camouflaged door next to Scarlett’s wardrobe. The innkeeper gave them a secretly joint room at the request of Master Legend. Though Julian finds their situation humorous, Scarlett is embarrassed and thinks her whole life will be over if anyone finds out she’s in a room with someone other than her fiancé. Julian insists no one will know and makes himself at home on the inviting bed. She doesn’t want to be improper before her wedding, even though Julian tells her that nothing will happen and there’s plenty of space for both of them. Scarlett wants Julian to leave, but he won’t. Scarlett plans to ask for another room and says she’d rather sleep in a hall. Julian finds an envelope, most likely a clue, on the bed and tosses it to Scarlett.
Inside the envelope, Scarlett finds rose petals, a glass key with the number five engraved on it, and a small tag labeling the key “Donatella Dragna.” She immediately rushes to room five, and outside the door, she hears Tella’s voice, followed by thuds and groans. Scarlett thinks something is wrong and tells Tella she’s coming inside. Tella warns her that if she comes inside, she’ll never speak to Scarlett again. Scarlett is hurt by Tella’s recklessness, though she isn’t surprised. Tella always has gotten herself into mischief, and Scarlett partially blames their upbringing for this. When their mom, Paloma, left, her dad became aggressive, and as a result, Scarlett sheltered her sister from his wrath, effectively spoiling her and making her too wild.
Scarlett scorns herself for being so stupid and sits down outside her door. Just as she’s about to drift off to sleep, an attractive man covered in tattoos, named Dante, approaches her and asks if she’s alright. He’s accompanied by his sister, who is drunk and rude to Scarlett. Dante invites Scarlett to stay in his room and says he can stay with his sister. Scarlett accepts his offer and thinks what an attractive gentleman Dante is until she catches sight of herself in the mirror in his room. Her magical dress has shifted into a sheer gown. She thinks that’s the only reason Dante was so nice to her, and she’s humiliated.
She dreams of Legend, who tells her he didn’t invite her to just watch the game pass her by but to really play, and then he throws her off the balcony.
Against her better judgment, Scarlett helps Julian and lies about him being her fiancé again. At last, the pair seem to be flirting with each other, but just when Scarlett gets comfortable enough with the idea of Julian as a partner, he withdraws from her. Scarlett plans to totally shut him out, but their adjoined rooms force them together again. Julian doesn’t make a show of being a gentleman. He insists they share the room and that she can trust him. Scarlett doesn’t want to be improper, and Julian doesn’t put himself out to accommodate her conservative behavior because he finds it ridiculous. The push and pull nature of Scarlett and Julian’s relationship as they go from behaving like lovers to enemies and back again mimics the slippery nature of Caraval.
Despite her caution, Scarlett tends not to guard herself and her secrets as much as she should and presents as very trusting of strangers. Through her interactions with the innkeeper, Julian, and Dante, Scarlett is reminded of the tough lesson that seems to permeate everything at Caraval: nothing is what it seems. This sense of unease is heightened by Scarlett’s understanding of Legend, whom she believes can see everything that happens in Caraval and is watching her, since her Nana always told her it’s his “great playground” (109). This fear mirrors Scarlett’s fear of her father, who constantly tries to watch over and control her, making this game eerily familiar.
Julian’s warnings not to trust anyone foreshadows his deception at the end of the novel, and he seems to be hinting that Scarlett should be cautious in developing feelings for him. Julian repeatedly tells Scarlett that he manipulates people, suggesting that he wants to indirectly warn her about the true nature of their relationship.
Scarlett’s dream that she jumps off a balcony at Master Legend’s insistence reveals that Master Legend, along with Tella, are attempting to force Scarlett to let go of her cautious nature and live freely. Scarlett tends to conform to her father’s expectations while Caraval is designed to relax her inhibitions. This dream parallels Scarlett’s character development from cautious withdrawn to adventurous and brave and hints at the balcony’s significance later in the novel.
By Stephanie Garber