51 pages • 1 hour read
Hazel PriorA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Veronica dawdles deliberately as Terry tries to rush her back in time to catch the boat about to leave the island. As planned, Veronica misses the ship, which won’t be back for three weeks. Back at the field center, Veronica makes the acquaintance of Mike, a scientist in his twenties and the third member of the team. He isn’t pleased that Veronica is still with them and can barely hide his resentment.
Later, Terry explains their respective roles. Mike is a biochemistry expert with a girlfriend back in London. Dietrich is the middle-aged penguin expert who heads the team. He misses his wife and children in Austria. Terry is single and prefers living among penguins to people. She is responsible for documenting and photographing the creatures. After Veronica retires to her bedroom, she hears a loud argument with Mike protesting her presence among them. He says that “old ladies” don’t belong in Antarctica. Terry begs the men to give the situation a little more time.
Back in England, Patrick receives an unexpected package. It turns out to be Veronica’s box of mementos, but it is locked. There is a note from Eileen indicating that the box was sent on Veronica’s orders but that Patrick isn’t to try to break it open. He will receive the code to the lock in due time. Despite his curiosity, Patrick slips the box under his bed and forgets about it.
The following morning, at breakfast, Veronica announces that she is giving the research center a large donation to cover the cost of her stay. “I’d like to contribute something substantial straightaway, so as to assist you with the project. To help the penguins” (100). This does little to soften Mike’s attitude, but Dietrich is pleased. Veronica also agrees to allow Terry to post photos and write about her in the penguin blog posts.
The two women then go out to visit the penguin colony so Terry can monitor their activities and weigh the birds. As they wander along, Veronica gets repeatedly pecked on the leg by an adolescent male penguin. Terry tries to intervene, but the penguin latches onto Veronica’s purse and won’t let go. At the end of the confrontation, the purse is ruined, Veronica has a bite on her calf, and she temporarily loses her enthusiasm for penguins. Terry says, “They’re too young to breed and haven’t got much to do apart from flirting, fighting and trying to prove themselves. He’s just an arrogant teenager” (105). Veronica’s feelings are hurt nonetheless.
Back at the research center, Terry tends to the bird bite and allows Veronica to rest. Later that afternoon, Veronica announces a change of plans, suggesting that she is ready to leave. Mike then becomes so patronizing about Veronica having learned her lesson that she changes course and decides to stay. She also receives an email from Eileen via Terry. Her housekeeper wants reassurance that she’s all right and asks for an occasional message back. Then, Terry posts a photo of Veronica on her blog and talks about her plucky spirit to make such an adventure at 86.
In England, Patrick receives an email from Terry, whom he assumes is male, with a link showing Veronica among the penguins. He is impressed by his grandmother and startled to see her smiling in the photo. Patrick thinks, “I’ve missed a hell of a lot of Granny V’s life. Will I ever catch up with her properly? Is it too late? What is she like really?” (116). He then begins to speculate about his own absent father.
His reverie is broken by a call from Eileen. She tells him about Veronica’s penguin bite and that Veronica is now sending short emails via Terry. Eileen says that it’s important for Veronica to share her thoughts and feelings. Otherwise, dementia might set in. “She’s needing more in the way of family and friends, to stop her getting worse. That’s why I’m so very glad she’s got you now, Patrick. And the nice Terry man. And penguins” (119).
Meanwhile, Veronica is settling into a routine among the scientists. They take turns cooking reconstituted, dehydrated meals that Veronica finds unpleasant. She also complains about their tea, so she relies on her private supply of Darjeeling tea bags. One day, Terry talks about her educational background, and Veronica marvels at how young women are able to pursue their interests. That wasn’t the case in her youth. During their walk to the colony, the two women are struck, as always, by the beauty of the landscape and the liveliness of the penguins.
Veronica witnesses a chick being hatched. Terry talks about her blog and explains that social media can have a powerful influence in changing people’s minds for the better. Terry abruptly asks why Veronica isn’t leaving her fortune to her family, and the old woman explains about her recently acquired grandson, who hardly seems deserving. Terry points out that maybe Patrick had a difficult life that made him rely on drugs to get through the pain. Veronica has never considered this idea before.
Back in England, Patrick receives another phone call with an update from Eileen. She says that Veronica had Terry send an email directly to Patrick. It contains the code to the lock on her memento box. After he gets off the phone, Patrick immediately opens the box. Inside, he finds Veronica’s journals and begins reading.
The year is 1940, and Veronica is only 14. She is living with her parents in London, and they both seem very concerned about the war. Veronica herself is still carefree. She loves music and dancing. She also thinks about boys a good deal and is kind to a neighborhood dog whose owner is neglectful.
Her parents announce that they are sending her to live with her great-aunt Margaret in Derbyshire, where she will be out of harm’s way in case of Nazi aerial attacks. Her parents are both involved in the war effort, so they must stay in town. Veronica will be sent to a girls’ school near her aunt’s home during the week and will only have to spend weekends with her aunt.
At St. Catherine’s School, Veronica feels out of place. None of the other girls are very friendly. She confides her misery to her parents during one of their regular phone calls. Her mother says, “I’m so sorry you’re unhappy, my darling, but this is the reality of wartime. We must count our blessings” (137). As a consolation, Veronica’s parents send her a jar of strawberry jam, which is very hard to come by because of war rationing. She uses the sweet treat to bribe the goodwill of two of her schoolmates. Janet and Norah soon become her best friends. They even talk her into getting her hair bobbed, which scandalizes her prudish aunt.
By October 1941, Veronica is invited to spend her weekends at Janet’s family farm along with Norah. Janet’s brother, Harry, comes to school to pick up the three girls in a horse cart. He brings them back and forth each weekend and soon becomes attracted to Veronica. While at the farm, Veronica rescues a piglet who gets stuck in a rut, much to the amusement of her friends. Harry also shows her his collection of model airplanes because he loves building miniature contraptions. These happy memories are abruptly cut short by a final entry dated October 29, in which Veronica says that she will never be happy again.
The narrative switches back to Patrick. He is astonished that Veronica has allowed him a glimpse into her past. She was so unlike the cold, bitter woman he met. He is enthralled by her story and wants to keep reading but realizes that he’s been invited to dine with Gav’s family. When he arrives, he finds an attractive divorcée named Bryony has also been invited. Gav and his wife conspired to introduce Patrick to her. Even though the evening goes well, Patrick doesn’t want to encourage a relationship. He is obsessed with reading the rest of Veronica’s journal. He even wonders if Harry is his grandfather.
Back in Antarctica, Veronica spends some quiet time with Dietrich as he prepares dinner while the other two are out. Dietrich is concerned for Terry. He says, “She doesn’t have that special person. And her family doesn’t really get her. She’s all about the penguins” (157). He points out that as people get older, they become more concerned about others: “As you get older it’s as if your capacity for love grows” (158). Veronica is astonished by this remark because she thinks quite the opposite is true.
That evening, Veronica is getting ready for bed when she hears a heated argument coming from the next room. Terry comes to see her afterward. She tries to explain that Mike’s surly attitude toward Veronica is because he was burned by a previous benefactor who made financial promises he didn’t keep. Veronica points out that she has already contributed a large sum, thus proving her good intentions.
Terry then begins to talk specifically about the argument that evening. Dietrich has decided to leave Antarctica so that he can return to his family. He wants to put Terry in charge of the expedition. Mike is furious because he expected to receive the job. Veronica assures her that Mike will get over it. The next afternoon, a storm appears suddenly on the horizon, and everyone must hurry back to the shelter. The group is then sequestered indoors for two days, and everyone gets on each other’s nerves.
On the third day, Dietrich says that it’s safe to go outside, and the group emerges gratefully. Mike discovers that one of the generators sustained damage from the storm, so they must all conserve energy because it can’t be repaired for several weeks. This means that Veronica can’t brew more than four pots of tea a day for herself. She considers this a great hardship.
Out among the penguins, she is depressed to see how many of the hatchlings died during the storm. One happy little chick is cavorting around until a skua sweeps down and carries him off. Veronica is horrified to see the small creature torn apart and eaten. She goes back to the center to take a nap, trying to forget her own past losses. Terry presses her to explain her sadness, but Veronica shuts the door.
The second segment covers Veronica’s arrival on Locket Island and immediately features the theme of Isolated Lives. The three scientists on the island have distinct personalities. Mike is cold and patronizing, Dietrich is fatherly, and Terry sees penguins as her mission in life. Veronica was already isolated before she left Scotland and is now faced with the challenge of fitting into an oddly assorted group of characters who don’t want her among them. Unlike Dietrich and Mike, Terry is more willing to befriend Veronica, but even she has her own issues with the human race. She says:
I do like people, I like them very much. I just can’t cope with them in huge quantities. I’m so aware of all those emotions, all those plans and dreams and longings. All those agendas. It’s like this massive overload to my system (102).
This disclosure causes Veronica to recognize a kindred soul since she doesn’t care for people, either individually or collectively. The conversations she has with Terry while observing the colony allow her the chance to open up slightly. The need for connection through communication is underscored in Eileen’s conversation with Patrick. She believes that Veronica is at risk of developing dementia unless she starts to share her thoughts with others.
Until now, Veronica has existed in a world of one. Her perspective on the world and its inhabitants is never challenged by other viewpoints because she doesn’t share her opinions with anyone. This changes once she starts conversing regularly with Terry. Doing so foregrounds the theme of Coping with Loss when Veronica expresses her disgust with Patrick’s slovenly habits and heavy use of marijuana. Veronica is startled when Terry doesn’t share her revulsion, pointing out that marijuana may have therapeutic benefits for those coping with stress. She also suggests that Patrick may have challenges of his own to face. This notion sets Veronica back on her heels. She says:
I am not accustomed to delving into what causes other people to behave badly. If truth be told, I am not accustomed to considering other people very much at all. In my experience, it usually leads to inconvenience and aggravation (125).
In spite of Veronica’s unwillingness to consider the facts, Terry’s opinion acts as the catalyst to make Veronica reveal the combination of her memento box to Patrick. She seems willing to let him glimpse her past hardships. For the first time, she speculates that he may have had hardships of his own and might understand hers as a result. This tentative gesture of trust isn’t wasted. Veronica’s quest for connection isn’t limited to her interest in penguins. On a deeper level, she still hopes to salvage a family connection with Patrick. His awkward phone call on her birthday and his appearance at the airport to wish her bon voyage have made her willing to try again.
For his part, Patrick becomes enthralled by Veronica’s early life. He had also formed a negative opinion of her. Upon their first meeting, neither of them offered any context for their objectionable behavior. As a result, both were offended. However, this begins to change once Veronica reaches out with the combination to her memento box, and Patrick delves into the journals. He says, “I can’t believe the withered old crone I know is the same person as this silly, pretty fourteen-year-old. Young Veronica was one hell of a snobby madam, for sure, but it looks like she had a big heart back then” (140).
Since Patrick himself has a big heart, he responds to this trait in Veronica. Further, he has begun to recognize that Veronica’s frosty attitude might be covering losses about which he knows nothing. He says:
When I saw Granny at the airport, I wasn’t thinking of me-me-me quite so much, and I got this weird feeling, as if the first time we’d met I’d been missing something. Like her harshness was a kind of coat she wrapped tightly round herself so nobody could see what was underneath (116).
Patrick’s assessment of Veronica’s attitude is later corroborated by her own words. She secretly admits, “Life is a careful balance of what you let out and what you hold in. In my case it is largely about holding in. Holding in is the only way of holding together” (169-70).
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