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Trevor Noah

It's Trevor Noah: Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood

Nonfiction | Autobiography / Memoir | Middle Grade | Published in 2019

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Part 1, Chapters 5-8Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 1, Chapter 5 Summary: “The Second Girl”

In the pre-chapter prologue, Noah describes the history of childhood education for Black South Africans. Under British rule before apartheid, they were taught British literature and English to “Christianize and Westernize” them (61). Under apartheid, they were put in “Bantu schools” that taught them only how to labor for the Afrikaners’ government.

Noah recounts his mother’s childhood. Her parents divorced when she was young, and because she was a defiant tomboy, she clashed with her mother. She wanted to live with her father, but he sent her away to live with his extended family in the Xhosa homeland, Transkei. She labored on a farm and got barely anything to eat. The mission schools were still active in Transkei, so she was taught English. She used this to get a factory job and then, after she turned 21 and returned to her mother’s home, a typist job.

Her mother took all of her typist’s money to try to pull their house and family in Soweto “back up to zero” (67). Patricia ran away to the city to “make her own way in the world” (67). When she had Noah, she was determined to give him a different type of childhood. She started by giving him a name with no connection to Xhosa culture. She taught him English and reading, filling the house with books and teaching him to think critically.

When Noah was five, the slowly crumbling apartheid government allowed people of color more residential options. Patricia moved them to Eden Park, a Colored suburb. They got a used car, which represented freedom to them even though it was old and unreliable. Though they were poor, Noah’s life was “rich with experience” (74). His mother took him all over the city on drives and to parks and free attractions. In adulthood Noah realized his mother raised him like a “white kid,” not culturally, but in the sense that anything was possible for him.

Part 1, Chapter 6 Summary: “Loopholes”

As a child, Noah often makes “chaos” (81). While not malicious, his creativity and high energy result in intense mischief and “naughty” behavior. He and Patricia develop a system of writing each other letters to settle their disputes. For more intense disputes, she gives him a “whooping” (87).

Noah recounts the three times his school tells his mother to get him psychologically evaluated. The first is when he laughs while the principal is beating him because it’s so much lighter than his mother’s beatings. The second is when he drinks and eats all the grape juice and crackers for communion because he is hungry. The third is when he brings a knife to school after a kid threatens him. This is also the incident that gets him informally expelled from his Catholic school. Noah’s mother does not get him in trouble any of these times, as she agrees with him about the rules he is breaking.

When Noah is seven, his mother is dating Abel, who rents a garage from a white family. Noah plays with the child of the family’s maid during the day. He is showing the other child how to start a fire with a magnifying glass, but they get distracted and leave the magnifying glass in the sun. It starts a fire that burns down the garage and the white family’s entire home.

As adults, Noah’s cousins don’t know how he “survived being as naughty as [he] was for as long as [he] did” (94). Noah still sees the value in pushing boundaries and breaking rules.

Part 1, Chapter 7 Summary: “Fufi”

Patricia’s co-worker’s dog has puppies, and Patricia elects to take two of them: Fufi for Noah and Panther for herself. Noah calls Fufi—a bull terrier-maltese mix—"the love of my life” (100) but she’s also a “little rascal” (101). One day while home for holiday break, Noah discovers that Fufi can scale the five-foot wall around their yard. He follows her to see where she goes, and she heads into another family’s yard. Noah knocks on their door to fetch her, but the boy who answers the door claims that Fufi is his dog “Spotty.” Neither he nor his mother will give “their” dog to Noah.

In hysterics, Noah goes home and tells his mom what happened. She gathers Fufi’s adoption papers and photos, and they go with Panther to the house, where the family have locked Fufi in. Patricia shows them the adoption papers, but they won’t release Fufi, even though she clearly knows Panther. Finally, Noah’s mom offers to pay to get Fufi back. 

Fufi is Noah’s first “heartbreak.” She teaches him a lesson about relationships, which is that “you do not own the thing that you love” (104).

Part 1, Chapter 8 Summary: “Robert”

In the pre-chapter prologue, Patricia tells a 24-year-old Noah he needs to find his father, though he hasn’t seen him for over a decade. She says that the two men need to know each other so Noah doesn’t have a “false impression” of what a father is and “should be” (105).

Noah’s dad is a mystery to him. He doesn’t know his father’s family or history. He knows he was a chef in Montreal and New York before moving to South Africa in the late 1970s. His father thought racism and apartheid were absurd. In the early 80s, he opened one the first integrated restaurants in the city. The government tried continuously to shut it down, finally giving him an ultimatum to either shut down or provide a bathroom for every different race of person: he chose to shut down. 

Growing up, Noah sees his dad on Sunday afternoons, his birthday, and Christmas. Noah loves “European Christmas,” with Santa Claus and a tree. When he is with his father, they don’t talk much, though his father is always “caring and devoted” (111). Noah calls him “Robert” to avoid drawing attention from authorities.

After Patricia marries Abel, Noah sees less of his father. Abel is “an abusive, alcoholic man” (112), and the idea of Patricia seeing her ex-lover infuriates him. Noah’s father moves to Cape Town when Noah is 13, and they lose touch. As Noah grows up and becomes renowned as a comedian and host, his mother always speaks positively of his father, which fends off Noah’s worries that his dad doesn’t care about him. She reminds him that his father chose to stay in his life despite the obstacles of apartheid.

Noah contacts the Swiss embassy, but because his father is not listed on his birth certificate, they cannot give him information about Robert’s whereabouts. They take Noah’s letter for Robert and say it might get to him. Robert soon writes back with his address and Noah visits him for the first time in more than 10 years. They pick up where they left off. His father shows Noah a scrapbook he made with every newspaper and magazine clipping that mentioned Noah’s name.

This scrapbook affirms Patricia’s claims that his father “chose” him. This teaches Noah another life lesson, that “[b]eing chosen is the greatest gift you can give to another human being” (115).

Part 1 Chapters 5-8 Analysis

While the previous set of chapters established the physical, political, and social environments that influenced Noah as he grew up, these chapters center around some of Noah’s primary relationships in childhood. Each of these relationships—with his mom, his childhood dog Fufi, and his father—teaches important lessons and shapes his character as he grows into adulthood.

Throughout his early childhood, his mother is the guiding force in his life. She teaches him critical thinking skills derived from her own difficult personal experience with the absurdities of South African racism, and she gives him the courage to define his own dreams, rather than letting society’s expectations dictate his life. Patricia teaches Noah by example that “there were no limitations on where I could go or what I could do” (75). Rather than let the rules of apartheid force them to live in a “ghetto,” she gets an illegal flat in the city. Refusing to let the racist employment rules dictate her profession, she takes classes to become a typist. Unwilling to live in fear that the police will take her son away, she finds the “cracks in the system” (28) that will let them lead a full life. She takes him to ice rinks and drive-in theatres even though her peers call her “crazy” and warn her that those things are “izinto zabelungu—the things of white people” (76). She teaches Noah that nothing is out of bounds to him just because of his race.

Relatedly, she teaches him never to accept something as true just because someone tells him it is true. This is especially important in a place like apartheid-era South Africa, whose whole political and economic system is built on racist fictions. Emphasizing the difference between External and Internal Perceptions of Reality, she teaches him that he must honor his own full humanity, since the society around him will not do so. Patricia teaches Noah to “free [his] mind” (69) and think critically, which Black and Colored children are not taught in school. She gives him Bible stories to read, but instead of telling him to accept a priest’s interpretation, she asks Noah to come to his own interpretations: “What does it mean to you? How do you apply it to your life?” (70) She doesn’t teach him to be skeptical for skepticism’s sake, but rather, in an environment that wants them to accept the oppression and repression visited upon them, she teaches Noah to think independently and be his own person.

Noah’s childhood dog Fufi teaches him how to respect the people he has relationships with, and to recognize that they are autonomous beings rather than side characters in his life. When discussing Fufi, Noah says, “I raised her. I potty trained her. She slept in my bed. A dog is a great thing for a kid to have. It’s like a bicycle but with emotions” (101). Noah tackles both the pleasant and less pleasant aspects of training Fufi. He receives her love and cuddles but also trains her. She is like a bicycle because it is his responsibility to care for her. But she has “emotions.” She can love him back like he loves her, unlike non-sentient toys. Learning the responsibility of caring for another creature comes quickly to Noah.

The harder lesson is that loving and caring for something does not give you ownership or complete control over its thoughts and behaviors. Even after his mother pays to get Fufi back from the other family, Noah is “heartbroken” that “Fufi loves another boy” (104). Patricia, who knows that Fufi loves Noah too, doesn’t understand why this is affecting him in this way. However, Noah initially believes Fufi’s love for him is compromised by her love for the second family. Noah finally realizes that “Fufi wasn’t cheating on me with another boy. She was merely living her life to the fullest” (104). Fufi is an autonomous creature, and though Noah raised her, trained her, and shelters her, he realizes that “you do not own the thing that you love” (104). Though Noah always loved Fufi, this experience teaches him how to have empathy for those whom he loves—a lesson that extends to his relationships with humans as well.

Noah’s loving but distant relationship with his father, whom he calls Robert, shapes his sense of self throughout his teens. When Noah is 13, Robert moves to Cape Town, and they lose contact. His relationship with Robert at this point is defined by his absence. Noah never suggests that Patricia’s parenting was in any way insufficient or lacking; on the contrary, he makes clear that his childhood with her was full of adventure, excitement, and love. However, Robert’s absence still affects him. Noah has persistent questions about him— “I wonder where he is. Does he think about me? Does he know what I’m doing? Is he proud of me?” (113). Because Noah has unanswered questions, he finds himself filling in the blanks with pessimistic answers. Even though Patricia talks positively and optimistically about his father, Noah finds himself filling “that space with negative thoughts. They don’t care. They’re selfish” (113). He is never bitter or angry toward his father, but he does experience doubt.

When he reconnects with his father at 24, he discovers that Robert has been tracking and scrapbooking every instance in Noah’s career. This discovery fills up “a ten-year gap” in his life (115). Even at 24, receiving that love and support from his father makes Noah feel “an inch taller” (115). There is a difference between not feeling rejected or deserted and feeling “wanted.” While Noah never felt anger toward his father for rejecting him, only after their reunification does he feel chosen. He realizes: “Being chosen is the greatest gift you can give to another human” (115).