73 pages 2 hours read

Margaret Atwood


Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2013

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Literary Context: Oryx and Crake and Technological Utopias

The first novel of the trilogy, Oryx and Crake (2004), begins at what seems like the end of the world. Before Crake pulls the metaphorical pin, society is unquestionably mired in a technological dystopia. Jimmy, the protagonist of the first book, grows up in the literally insulated world of Corps compounds among the privileged within a society dictated by corporate totalitarianism. As the child of Corp scientists, Jimmy moves through the pipeline that identifies potential and sends Corp children through to an assigned school and then assigned employment. Readers see this technological utopia through Jimmy’s eyes as a child. His mother, who resists and questions the Corps, seems unstable and then absent. His father complies, and he seems to be the stable parent. Neither are warm nor nurturing. Then, Jimmy meets Glenn, and they become best friends. Unlike Jimmy, who is outgoing and witty, Glenn is brilliant but socially uninterested. Glenn’s father was murdered by the Corps (officially labeled a death by suicide), so he lives with his mother and “Uncle” Pete who are as inattentive as Jimmy’s parents. Like teenagers in any technologically enhanced era, Jimmy and Glenn spend time smoking weed, playing games, and looking at illicit media on the internet, but the media they’re consuming is the commercialized streaming of suicides, executions, and the sexual abuse of children. One day, Jimmy is taken aback by the way one of the young girls stares at the camera defiantly. Glenn notices and prints a screenshot for him. In a game called Extinctathon, they take their codenames, Crake and Thickney, after extinct birds. Jimmy’s name doesn’t stick, but Glenn becomes Crake.

Crake gives the complacent Jimmy a window into the dark, corrupted, exploitative world outside the sheltered compounds. Jimmy and Crake separate when Crake is placed at a top-tier college for science, and Jimmy is placed at the run-down bottom-rung school for the arts. Art can be technologically manufactured by an AI that can put any actors in any storyline designed in the style of any artist, so human artists have little value when the Corps profit most on scientific innovation. When visiting Crake, Jimmy discovers that Crake still plays Extinctathon, but it’s a gateway into an ecoterrorist chatroom that plans their attacks. They drift apart, and after they graduate, Jimmy is hired by one of the lower-level Corps to write advertisement copy. Although Jimmy is intelligent and creative, his skills aren’t considered useful. His life as a cog in the Corps machine feels empty, and he is unfulfilled by endless affairs with women. Visiting the sites he discovered with Crake, one day he comes across a video of his mother being executed for treason. Jimmy keeps the printed picture of the defiant little girl, unsure why he finds her so captivating. Acts of unrest and rebellion are happening on the edge of his consciousness, but compound life shelters inhabitants and keeps them unaware that what they see as shelter is corporate dictatorship. Crake reaches out again, offering Jimmy a job on his project for one of the most prominent Corps, and Jimmy is whisked off to a newer, much nicer compound.

Crake has hired Jimmy to write the advertising copy for BlyssPluss, a drug he has invented that increases sexual pleasure and acts as a prophylactic against pregnancy and disease. He also takes Jimmy outside the compounds to the pleeblands, the filthy, crumbling home of the ungoverned masses who buy Corp products. The trip requires special passes and an antibiotic shot, but the biggest surprise is Oryx (an Extinctathon code name), who Crake found as a sex worker and hired to work for him. Jimmy is convinced that Oryx is the defiant girl from the video, although she denies it. Oryx is Crake’s girlfriend in a sense, but Jimmy falls in love with her, and they start a relationship. She is an illusion, a sex worker ordered to physical specifications, who is likely just a lookalike. Technological advances create a lot of illusions and imitations to stand in for the real thing. Crake confides that the BlyssPluss pills will also sterilize those who take them, a covert population control method to reduce strain on collapsing infrastructures. Oryx is also helping him with his line of genetically modified humans, which Crake claims are showing off features for DNA designer babies. However, the BlyssPluss pills contain a virus that kills off most of humanity, which Crake disseminated to create his own technological utopia. His genetically modified humans are created through scientific technology to become Crake’s ideal human race. Crake kills Oryx, provoking Jimmy to kill him, intending to leave Jimmy as the only person left to help the Crakers.

Crake’s idea of a utopia is solely utilitarian. Even as a dead man, he is trying to exert totalitarian control through the genetic design of the Crakers, who he expects to act as they are biologically programmed to act. The Crakers are human, but Crake has taken away everything he deems unnecessary or a cause of human conflict. They’re designed to think literally, which is meant to do away with artistic expression. They have no aggression or territoriality, and they don’t fall in love and pair bond, so no one is fighting and killing for passion. Their mating ritual leaves paternity unknown, so there are no family lineages. Although the Crakers turn out to have potential for much more when integrated into a society of regular humans, Crake’s plan was to create a perfect, peaceful, utopian society by stripping away the urge to create and innovate even though the parts of humanity that make it messy and volatile are the reasons to continue existing in the first place. The Crakers are meant to simply live and survive happily, equipped with abilities and anatomy that make them well-suited to the environment. For Jimmy, this existence is hell on earth. He still needs the products of human innovation, so he must go crawling in the wreckage of mass death to find them. He still loves and mourns, pining for Oryx, and the Crakers, it turns out, start to develop signs of abstract thought and religion anyway. The novel critiques the notion of a technological utopia or the idea that an ideal world can be invented and built to specification.

Socio-Historical Context: The Year of the Flood and Eco-Criticism

The events of the second novel, The Year of the Flood (2009), coincide with Oryx and Crake, but they focus largely on the pleeblands. After Crake’s apocalyptic plague, the novel’s two narrators, Toby and Ren, have survived. Toby has deliberately planned and hidden in the spa where she worked. Ren is at Scales and Tails, a sex work and fetish club, where she was an erotic trapeze dancer. By chance, an interaction with a customer led to a rip in her full-body prophylactic film, so Ren is quarantined in a well-supplied airlocked living area when the plague hits, but she is trapped inside. They are connected because they were both once a part of the God’s Gardeners, an environmental religious cult that taught preparation for an expected near-extinction event that they called the Waterless Flood. Toby joined the Gardeners when they rescued her from Blanco, who managed the SecretBurger chain where Toby worked, working his way through the female employees by violently raping them until he grew bored and killed them. Ren was brought by her mother, Lucerne, who thought that running away from her compound husband with her lover Zeb was a romantic thing to do. The God’s Gardeners seems like an ineffectual organization, living in vegetarian austerity and recycling everything, hardly a drop in the oceans that the corporations had already rendered dead, but their secret is that they are harboring scientists who are escaping from the Corps, intertwined with a network of ecoterrorists called MaddAddam sabotaging the Corps, and the third novel hints that when they gave Crake the bioform-vector pills, Adam, the leader of the Gardeners, knew what Crake would do with them.

The Gardeners taught self-sustainability. They grew their own food, used natural medicine, and gleaned useful things that people in the pleeblands discarded. There were festival days nearly every day, each one celebrating an animal or a human who positively impacted the animals or environment. The leaders and teachers were called Adams and Eves. Adam One was the leader of the entire group, but there was no Eve One. Toby became friends with Pilar, who was Eve Six, and learned about the uses of mushrooms and keeping bees. Then, Pilar died of cancer, and Adam One asked Toby to become the new Eve Six. Through this process, Toby started to believe the Gardener preaching. Ren, who is homesick for the compounds at first, is initiated into the group by the other kids. She met Amanda, a tough streetwise “pleebrat,” and invited her to join them. Surprisingly, Amanda agreed, and Ren and Amanda become inseparable. While stuck in the locked quarantine area, Ren calls Amanda, who makes her way across a long distance to help her get out. Notably, the kids and teenagers in the trilogy seem to be a generation of parentless children. The parents who are present, like Jimmy’s, Crake’s, and Ren’s, are cold and distant, emotionally uninvolved with their kids and quick to let them go. Most others don’t seem to have parents at all. God’s Gardeners are about reinstating family with multiple Adams and Eves as parental figures and is a group that helps each other to survive, sometimes even at great cost.

Through the Gardeners, the novel critiques anthropocentrism, or the belief that humans are the planet’s superior animal life form. The society before the flood saw people taking pleasure in the pain, degradation, and death of others by watching prisoners fight to the death in the Painball arena, massive levels of unchecked human trafficking, and watching executions and suicides online as entertainment. In the pleeblands, they live like animals, always vulnerable to roaming predators like Blanco. As demonstrated by the MaddAddam code names, the numbers of extinct species are astronomical, while humans try to replace them with ridiculous hybrids and lab-cultured meat. They create pigoons as intelligent animals with human neocortex tissue to serve as organ farms for humans. Humans live by the notion that the planet and animals exist for their pleasure, which means that they can also destroy them as they please. After the plague, the predatory humans are far worse than predatory animals. Gardener training has been geared toward self-sufficiency, survival, and respecting animals. Even the festivals are a way to keep a calendar. When Ren escapes the Painballers and shows up at Toby’s door, Toby risks her own life to take her in. Then, she risks it again to go and save Amanda. Even years after leaving the Gardeners, their training and familial bond save their lives. The novel suggests that humans have to learn how to value each other as more than eventual carbon garboil fuel. Gardener training was ultimately preparing them to survive the end of humanity.