38 pages 1 hour read

Beverly Cleary

Ramona Quimby Age 8

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 1981

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Authorial Context: Sustained Silent Reading and Beverly Cleary’s Passion for Literacy

Sustained Silent Reading (SSR) is a time set apart in school classrooms where students can read independently without distractions. Teachers give students the freedom to choose age-appropriate books and read without the pressure of a follow-up assignment. The daily practice of free reading time has been shown to improve students’ overall academic performance and, in some cases, produce higher standardized test scores. Students who engage in SSR show improved reading comprehension, increased vocabulary, advancement in writing skills, and improved concentration. However, like Ramona, the most valuable benefit students reap from SSR is that their enjoyment of reading increases.

For Beverly Cleary, literacy and the love of reading are essential components of life. She adds her own spin by having Mrs. Whaley call it “D.E.A.R” time or “Drop Everything and Read time”. Now, on April 12 of each year, Cleary’s birthday, students across the world celebrate “D.E.A.R. Day” in honor of Cleary’s contribution to the American literary canon and her devotion to promoting literacy in children. However, readers of all ages can benefit from a simple daily practice of reading for pleasure, and adding just 20 minutes a day of quiet reading can lower stress levels and increase focus and concentration skills.