101 pages 3 hours read

Neal Shusterman


Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2016

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more. For select classroom titles, we also provide Teaching Guides with discussion and quiz questions to prompt student engagement.


Reading Check, Multiple Choice & Short Answer Quizzes

Reading Check questions are designed for in-class review on key plot points or for quick verbal or written assessments. Multiple Choice and Short Answer Quizzes create ideal summative assessments, and collectively function to convey a sense of the work’s tone and themes.

Part 1, Chapters 1-5

Part 1: “Robe and Ring” 

Reading Check

1. What are the two main characters’ names? 

2. What is surprising about Scythe Faraday’s appearance? 

3. What is the name of the artificial intelligence that governs the world? 

4. What job do the scythes do in the novel? 

5. Which profession’s journal is shown at the end of chapters?

Multiple Choice

1. Why does Citra get mad at Scythe Faraday at the end of Chapter 1? 

A) He ate her family’s dinner.

B) She believes he dislikes the food provided.

C) She believes he is forcing small talk before gleaning someone.

D) He is rude to her parents.

2. When Scythe Faraday goes to glean Kohl Whitlock, how does Rowan react? 

A) He watches in awe.

B) He tries to fight Faraday. 

C) He cheers Faraday on.

D) He refuses to let go of Kohl’s hand. 

3. Citra and Rowan meet for the first time at what event? 

A) a ballet performance

B) an opera

C) a movie

D) an art gallery 

4. What does a person receive if they kiss a scythe’s ring?

A) immunity for one year

B) immunity for their family

C) the opportunity to become a scythe