66 pages 2 hours read

Honorée Fanonne Jeffers

The Love Songs of W.E.B. Du Bois

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2021

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Song 4 and Part 4Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Song 4 Summary

Samuel Pinchard begins making changes at Wood Place: He has several slaves build him a grand house, buys an enslaved woman to be his cook in the new kitchen quarters, and buys a young enslaved girl named Mamie to be the cook’s assistant.

When a kind enslaved man named Midas begins courting Aggie, she initially resists but grows more interested when she learns that his ancestor was an African griot: a respected elder who retained and passed down his people’s history. They marry, but Aggie is wary of having children, knowing that any whim of Samuel’s could part them. One night, a spirit awakens her from sleep and leads her into the woods, where she sees what she thinks is a monster on top of a little girl. As she draws nearer, she realizes it is Samuel raping Mamie. Seeing her light, he flees, and Aggie stays with Mamie until morning, holding and comforting her.

Part 4, Sections 1-5 Summary

This summary covers “Brother-Man Magic,” “We Sing Your Praises High,” “LibertéEgalitéFraternité, Goddamnit,” “In This Spot,” and “Feminism, Womanism, or Whatever.”

Although Ailey intends to forgive David and take him back after making him suffer for a few months, she learns that he is seeing someone else. This prompts her to go back to Chris. After Ailey obtains birth control from a free clinic, she and Chris begin a sexual relationship. They plan to attend Routledge University—an HBCU (Historically Black Colleges & Universities) where Uncle Root used to teach—in the fall. However, when Chris gets accepted to Princeton, they break up.

In a brief section that focuses on Uncle Root’s past, the narrator describes his early years as a scholar, when his hot temper and inability to get along with department chairs and administrators kept him moving from college to college. When he and his wife Olivia began teaching at Routledge, the pattern nearly repeated itself, but then he discovered a complimentary note from W.E.B. Du Bois to the school’s founder. Uncle Root took the great scholar’s words of praise as a sign and dedicated the rest of his career to teaching at Routledge.

During her freshman year at Routledge, Ailey makes new friends, including her roommates (Keisha and Roz) and enjoys some of her classes, but she also struggles with parts of her social life and education. In a student body where the women outnumber the men 10-to-1, the men seem to flock toward the lightest women. In fact, photos from the school’s earliest years show a student body so light-skinned that Routledge could almost be mistaken for a white college.

When Ailey and other students try to raise this subject with Dean Walters, the professor who teaches their freshman orientation class, he refuses to engage with them, instead singing the praises of the school and its founders, sisters Adeline and Judith Hutchinson. He acts annoyed when anyone criticizes the school, such as when a student named Abdul insists that Routledge should not have started offering a vocational track just to reassure their white Georgian neighbors that Black students were not going to get too educated. While Dean Walters calls this clever, Abdul characterizes it as the behavior of an “Uncle Tom.”

Ailey and her roommates begin making friends with Abdul and another male student named Pat. They have to guard themselves carefully, however, because the women at the school spread rumors about each other to better position themselves with the limited number of men. In a school of just 1,000 students, rumors ruin reputations quickly.

Ailey comes to love Dr. Oludara’s class. On the first day of class, Dr. Oludara takes the students to a place where one of the school’s founders, Adeline Routledge, was going to build the school until she found that it was soaked with the blood of former slaves. She therefore decided to leave it undisturbed “so it could heal” (242). Dr. Oludara’s passionate description of the evils visited on the site brings Ailey to tears. In another session, the students spiritedly debate feminism, some saying that the movement is only for white women, who make no effort to include Black women in their goals and actions. Ailey defends feminism, and Abdul is her primary opponent, loudly stating that Black women belong in the home supporting their men.

When Ailey tries to rush a sorority with Keisha and Roz, she meets resistance: A woman named Tiffany leads a group in mocking Ailey about her sister’s drug misuse. Although Ailey expected hazing, this goes too far. Knowing that Tiffany is interested in Abdul, Ailey catches his attention soon after the incident and begins a relationship with him to get back at her. 

Song 4 and Part 4 Analysis

In the “Song” section that precedes Part 4, Midas’s griot ancestry and its importance to Aggie once again highlights the importance of history in the novel. The term “griot” gained temporary fame in US culture when Alex Haley’s novel-turned-television miniseries Roots captured the national imagination; Haley frequently discussed learning about his own African heritage from a Gambian griot. Haley’s claims about the griot were eventually disputed, but the nation nevertheless encountered the concept of an elder honored for retaining a vast wealth of history. The Love Songs of W.E.B. Du Bois, like Aggie, esteems those who care about, seek out, and pass on historical narratives.

Within Ailey’s timeline, Ailey’s class discussions at Routledge act as an example of Du Bois’s concept of “double consciousness.” In The Souls of Black Folk, Du Bois explains the concept this way:

It is a peculiar sensation, this double-consciousness, this sense of always looking at one’s self through the eyes of others, of measuring one’s soul by the tape of a world that looks on in amused contempt and pity. One ever feels his two-ness,—an American, a Negro; two souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled strivings (Du Bois, W.E.B. The Souls of Black Folk. Penguin Classics, 1996).

An example is the school’s decision to offer vocational tracks so that surrounding white neighbors will not think they are getting too ambitious. This is a prime example of double consciousness in that it shows the constant pressure to adjust one’s actions based on how white society is likely to perceive them.

Ailey’s class discussions also challenge her to think about her relationship to feminism. Some of her peers believe that the movement has proven itself unconcerned with Black women. Ailey resists this and defends feminism, but she cannot fully articulate why her opponents should change their minds. What she cannot yet express but will grow to learn more about is the concept of intersectionality: the idea that multiple facets of a person’s identity influence their experiences in the world in ways that cannot be reduced to one identity or another. Thus, both Blackness and womanhood contribute to a Black woman’s lived reality. In time, Ailey comes to develop her own sense of Black feminism