49 pages • 1 hour read
Sheryl WuDunn, Nicholas D. KristofA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Chapter 1 opens with a description of Dee Knapp, a woman in rural part of Oregon known as Yamhill, hiding out from her abusive husband, Gary. Although Gary beat Dee and frightened their children, Kristof and WuDunn write that at the time of this incident in 1973, the family still had reason to be hopeful that the family’s fortunes would improve. Dee and Gary had both grown up in households without electricity or plumbing and had barely had any schooling. Nonetheless, they’d both found decently paying jobs and were able to buy a house; meanwhile, their children had been able to attend school, riding the same school bus, route number 6, as Nicholas Kristof. Many working-class families at the time shared this sense of upward mobility. As the authors write, however, this trajectory would not endure: “The Knapps, like so many other working-class families, tumbled into unimaginable calamity” (7).
As the American economy has grown in past decades, this has not translated into increased well-being for most Americans. US high school graduation rates are lower than in other wealthy countries, and the country’s violence, poverty, and addiction rates are higher. These problems are not purely a function of individual failings but are caused by social problems. For the Knapp family, these problems meant that four of the five Knapp children died prematurely. In a similar way, the authors write, the American dream has died over the latter half of the 20th century, and it is incumbent on all citizens to address the current situation.
Part of addressing that is addressing the ways in which the United States has fallen behind. The authors open Chapter 2 by describing how America ranks 40th in country rankings for child mortality and 61st in high school enrolment. The authors also offer an individual account, describing a woman who lives along the number 6 school bus route in Yamhill. “Molly” had a child at 15 as a result of being raped by her father. That daughter completed very little schooling and had five children of her own, with four different fathers, who also struggle in school. This example is part of a broader problem whereby “undereducated children grow into troubled adults who die at higher rates partly because of despair and anxiety” (16). These premature deaths are part of a constellation of problems affecting 150 million Americans in working-class communities—alongside drug addiction, unemployment, obesity, and broken families—that have gone largely unnoticed by more affluent citizens. This theme leads to authors to the second theme: that these problems are the result of social policies, such as the weakening of unions and, occasionally, cruelty, including the idea that those struggling with unemployment or addiction were weak and in need of “hard lessons.” A third theme is that these problems have solutions, including straightforward changes such as better provision of birth control, which could bring US rates of teenage pregnancy more in line with Europe’s. The authors close Chapter 2 by noting the parallels between the United States’ trajectory and that of the USSR in the 1980s, when the Soviet Union was still powerful but experiencing deep social problems, which manifested as individual problems, such as high rates of alcoholism. Those problems were a warning to the Soviet Union then, just as Americans’ health problems should be a warning to America now.
The authors open Chapter 3 describing a boy Kristof grew up with in Yamhill named Kevin Green. Green and Kristof were similar—so similar people sometimes confused them—but their trajectories were different. Encouraged by his parents, Kristof went on to university; Green, by contrast, was raised by parents who’d grown up in poverty with little schooling but had nonetheless been able to secure a place in the middle class. That trajectory stopped with Green, however, whose inability to find work comparable to what his father had had undermined his self-esteem and led him to abandon attempts to find work altogether, such that he survived on $520 a month in disability payments instead. This pattern is replicated for working-class people across the economy, the authors write; since 1980, “those in the top 1 percent did very well, those below them in the top 10 percent enjoyed incomes growing at the same pace as the economy, and those in the bottom 90 percent lost ground—their incomes grew more slowly than the overall economy” (33).
Unemployment statistics don’t fully capture the scale of the problem as they don’t include people who, like Kevin Green, have stopped looking for work that doesn’t exist anyway. This long-term unemployment contributes to mental and physical health problems, the authors write, and is part of an epidemic of loneliness, which in turn causes obesity, heart disease, and other problems. In Green’s case, his loneliness and lack of purpose as a result of chronic unemployment led to a premature death.
In Chapter 4, the authors note that while the United States does not have a class system per se, health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, and liver disease are a clear marker of class, as they’re at least twice as common among low-income Americans, compared to wealthy citizens. Meanwhile, wealthy Americans are constructing palatial homes that hearken back to eras like France’s ancien regime, when the palace of Versailles was built. The answer, the authors write, involves both wealth redistribution and policies that enhance opportunities for those at the bottom of the social hierarchy. Education is an important pillar of this approach. As it currently stands, 77% of kids in the top quartile of incomes go to college, compared to 9% in the bottom quartile, a difference at least partially attributable to the amount of resources wealthy parents devote to helping their children get into university. The fact that public schools in poor areas are under resourced, as well as segregated by race, is due to the fact that schools are paid for by local property taxes. This inequality is therefore due to a policy choice.
Other policy choices also fuel inequality, such as subsidies for the wealthy, including mortgage subsidies for yachts, and loopholes that allow wealthy people to dodge paying income tax. Meanwhile, lobbying by wealthy individuals has reduced government capacity to combat use of loopholes; the authors note that only 6% of tax returns for those earning more than $1 million are audited, whereas a third of all audits are focused on those making less than $20,000. Society is structured to benefit the wealthy and corporations in other ways, too, including in the criminal justice system and in the economy; for example, noncompete agreements prevent even low-wage fast food workers from finding work at a competing company, thus limiting their bargaining power. At the close of the chapter, the authors note that rather than leading to public outrage and political change, this system risks becoming self-perpetuating: “the accumulation of wealth often leads to accumulation of political power that is then harnessed to multiply that wealth” (51).
Kevin Green, the classmate of Nicholas Kristof mentioned in previous chapters, died in 2015, at age 54. The authors reflect on other former classmates of Kristof, including Mary Mayor, who fell into drug addiction, alcoholism, and homelessness as a result of a wave of poverty and despair that swept through Yamhill. For these individuals, who came into adulthood in the 1970s and later and who’d struggled much more than their parents, “the bad decisions were a symptom of larger economic malaise” (54).
For the previous generations, nearly universal basic education—which put the United States ahead of European countries in educating its citizens—and safety net programs such as unemployment insurance and Social Security granted many people entry into the middle class. Starting in the 1970s, however, America began to take a different path, with inequality growing and educational attainment shrinking. Meanwhile, as tax revenue came to make up a larger portion of gross national product in other countries, it stagnated in the United States, meaning there was less money for public services.
To highlight just how much the United States has adopted a different approach from other wealthy countries, the authors compare the US response to the 2008 financial crisis to that in Canada. While people in both Detroit and Windsor, Ontario, were affected by layoffs in the auto industry, Canadian workers fared better, in part because of universal healthcare in the country, and also because of government initiatives to help workers retrain and find other work. The authors attribute the difference to a more compassionate approach to workers, as opposed to the American “narrative that outcomes are simply about personal responsibility, a doctrine that left workers in the United States often feeling like failures” (66). The kind of resentment that results from under-investment in training and assistance for the working class, as well as a failure to promote inclusive growth, fuels racism and bigotry. A particularly clear manifestation of this chain effect was the 2016 election of Donald Trump, who was particularly popular among whites with a high school education or less, nostalgic for the more prosperous America of their childhoods. As the authors note, this nostalgia is problematic—given that in the 1960s and earlier, women had minimal opportunities and Black citizens were living under Jim Crow—but nonetheless speaks to a longing for a more equal, stable society.
In Chapter 6, the authors look at another source of working-class suffering in America: the opioid epidemic. They recount the story of Daniel McDowell, a veteran of the war in Afghanistan, who became addicted to opioids after a combat injury left him struggling with physical pain and post-traumatic stress disorder. When McDowell was cut off prescription opioids, he turned to heroin—a common path to heroin addiction for many Americans. By the time the authors encountered him, McDowell had been estranged from his family and served time in jail for dealing drugs.
While McDowell had found his way into a treatment program for veterans, which encouraged him to take responsibility for what had happened to him, the authors note that the real causes are societal and structural. One of these structural factors is the way in which the United States allowed the pharmaceutical industry to recklessly market opioids as a solution to chronic pain. While some of these companies, like Purdue Pharma, have been convicted and fined for their fraudulent claims about opioids being nonaddictive, these fines pale in comparison to their profits, and executives have never served jail time. The authors compare those consequences to the life sentence imposed on an African American woman in Alabama named Geneva Cooley. In 2002, Cooley was given a package by a friend and was promptly stopped by police. The package turned out to contain opioids; because she had prior felony convictions, she was sentenced to nearly a thousand years in prison.
In the opening chapters of Tightrope, the authors lay out the central structure of the book, introduce themselves as characters, and establish the book’s themes, from the importance of education and the problems with America’s two-tier system to the impact of generational change.
Much of the action of Tightrope’s early chapters takes place in Yamhill, a small town near Portland, Oregon, in which Kristof grew up. Kristof and WuDunn’s proximity to this community is useful in two ways: On the one hand, it gives the authors a direct and often emotional connection to the challenges that many working-class Americans have been facing since the 1970s, when inequality began to grow and government services contracted; on the other, it highlights the difference that education has made in the decades since the 1970s, as Kristof, who had well-educated parents who encouraged him to pursue higher education, had significantly different experiences than his peers growing up in Yamhill, many of whose parents had little formal education.
This point of connection is also used as a narrative device to bring to life those who are struggling with the inequities and problems of American society—for example, the authors describe, by name, the fates of those who shared Kristof’s school bus route, a quarter of whom “are dead from drugs, suicide, alcohol, obesity, reckless accidents or other pathologies” (8). This narrative technique humanizes those who have been negatively impacted by economic and social policies, an approach that challenges stereotypes of working-class people as being lazy or irresponsible. It also fulfills a core mission of the book, and of many of those the authors speak to: to highlight the humanity of those who are suffering in America. In this way, Kristof’s own background offers a window onto the changes in the American economy, and the ways in which undereducated, working-class Americans are struggling.
Throughout the opening chapters, the authors highlight how, prior to the 1970s, economic and social policies favored the creation of a robust middle class and reduced inequality. At the same time, the authors caution against an overly nostalgic view of the past. The opening chapter of the book, which describes the abusive treatment of Dee Knapp by her husband, is designed to counter this kind of nostalgia; similarly, the authors note, the period prior to the 1960s was characterized by racism and sexism, leading to limited opportunities for women and minorities. This racism, in turn, helped fuel the decline of government spending, which began after decades of national anxiety over race and unrest, sparked by the civil rights and anti-Vietnam war movements; among other stereotypes, these anxieties fueled a perception of welfare as being a handout to “lazy blacks.” As the authors note, the fear of social programs going to poor people who are “undeserving” motivates the voting patterns of many working-class voters, even though they often wind up voting against their own interests and ignoring the ways in which wealthy people exploit the system to a far greater degree.
In highlighting these problems, and avoiding the trap of nostalgia, the authors are encouraging readers to take an honest look at America’s problems. This is a core mission of the book, which the authors promote elsewhere, by highlighting America’s relatively low position on many global rankings, such as educational attainment, maternal mortality, and life expectancy, despite many Americans’ positive view of the country.
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